Finding your purpose is a deep dive into your most true self. And while that rings of woo-woo magic, it’s simply a process and part of life’s journey. Finding your purpose is identifying the one-of-a-kind spark you bring to the world. It’s that straightforward. And that complex. As second-halfers, we …
Cynthia Saltman
Movement to get creativity flowing may not be the cliché you think of when you hear the phrase “creative genius.” More often, it’s the drinking, smoking, a bit mad maybe, image associated with The Artist. Thankfully, that’s becoming more and more unpoetic. The great thinkers who’ve had a more healthy, …
Have you ever heard someone refer to their North Star? I absolutely adore this concept. It’s got a romantic, seafaring, mystical feel to it. Your personal values are your North Star. So, if you’ve ever wondered, “What are my values and why I should care,” this post is for you. …
Want to know the ugly truth about negativity? It’ll wreak havoc on your longevity and well-being. Let’s take a dive into how negativity affects your health. Liar, Liar, Mind On Fire! Most people who wallow in negative thinking proclaim loud and proud that they are realists. Waiting for the next shoe …
To rewrite your story, is to rewrite your life. It’s that powerful. All the things that you’ve experienced until now, all the emotions and feelings that went along for the ride, created the way you look at your world. These thoughts then created short-indie films or epic dramas that crackle …
As you sip your tea in the hammock pondering the next step during your midlife transition, an unsettling weight of overwhelm might darken your mood. How to make sense of your past and present and find a way, in the coming years, to live out all the dreams you still …
Diaphragm breathing just might be the elusive fountain of youth. When it comes to mind, body, and spirit, it’s impossible to deny the genius of diaphragm breathing. Every health journey should start with breath. Well, it’s obvious that you have to breathe to be alive, but it’s the quality of …
Midlife slump, doldrums, malaise, dreaded middle, dark cave of no return, or crisis. Heaven forbid a midlife crisis? Whatever name you call it (and it’s rarely positive or inspiring), hitting that magic middle mark can be challenging. On a certain birthday, many of us get the feeling that it’s all downhill …
I created the Salted Moon because I’m driven by an insatiable curiosity and the need to record and reflect on what I learn. I’m passionate about creativity, wonder, joy, and wellness of body, mind, and spirit. I’m on a quest to learn all I can about creating a radiant life. …